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Audit & Accounting


Our service consists on attracting, registering and accounting processing in general, as well as preparation of Financial Statements and the manage of contributions that our clients have to fulfill. Processing and calculation of payrolls and arrangements before federal and local agencies. Usually, companies that are in development or during their preoperative or starting stage require this service.



The object of Financing Audit is to emit a report for the association and we guarantee that the results presented in the Financial Statements show the financial status of the business reasonably. 

Our firm is registered in the Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Dependencias Gubernamentales (Public Accountants Association and Government Agencies) to prepare reports of the Financial Statements. We have international affiliation for reports that have to be published to list on the stock market.



The object of the Fiscal Audit is to express to the fiscal authorities that the company has fulfilled the normatively reasonably. This report can be in a voluntary or obligatory form.



The object of the Social Security Audit is to express that the company fulfills reasonably with the dispositions of the Institutes dedicated to Social Security. This report can be in a voluntary or obligatory form.



The object of the Housing Funds Audit is to express that the company fulfills reasonably with the dispositions of the Institutes dedicated to housing building. This report can be in a voluntary or obligatory form.



The object of the Local Taxes Audit is to express that the company fulfills reasonably with the dispositions of the Local Government in matter of Watering, Property, Payrolls and other local taxes. This report can be in a voluntary or obligatory form.



This service provides to Directors and Stockholders of a company an Audit about the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal systems. We audit the financial figures as well as operations such as Sales, Purchases, Payrolls, Productions, stock, etc.



We establish or check the internal control systems of the companies, including Organization Structure, Internal Control Policies, Administrative Procedures and the information internal systems, including Data Processing Technology.

We express our opinion about the adequacy of the Internal Control Systems as well as points to improve. If it is necessary, we can also establish and design new Internal Control Systems required by the company, including new processes training.

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