International Trade
We prepare studies to determine the best logistic, fiscal and legal strategy to import and export goods according with the international legal frame.
We obtain importer and exporter registers in a short time or through a temporary plan of transition to avoid obstruction of the company operations. We determine through a special audit the best Ad Valorem rates for our customers as well as savings when paying these taxes.
We also obtain for our customers the register in temporary import programs to produce export products with the respective fiscal benefits.
We analyze and obtain the registers in the high-exporting company registers with the respective legal and fiscal benefits.
We analyze the requirements and obtain for our customers the ECEX register of Company of International Trade Promoter of Exporting with several economic and financial benefits.
Transfer Pricing Studies
Annual Study of Transfer Pricing between related parties under different methods:
* Uncontrolled Comparable Price
* Resale Price
* Cost Plus
* Transactional Net Margin
* Profit Split
* Residual Profit Split
We work with data bases to establish the comparability of prices used with related parties, in Mexico or abroad.
We fulfill fiscal dispositions to perform this important study in Mexico, as well as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and the U.S.A. and Central America
We elaborate a study of long scope by the years corresponding to future to assure the transfer pricing between related parties and fulfill the international fiscal and legal dispositions.
In the case of maquila companies we elaborate the study corresponding of Safe Harbour fulfilling the related duties in the international fiscal frame and of every country.